BTC Consultant Co., Ltd and An Environment Protection company are launching tailor-made wastewater treatment solution
BTC Consultant Co., Ltd and An Environment Protection company are launching tailor-made wastewater treatment solution. As an experienced Environment Protection Company in the Netherlands, this company is skilled in various waste water treatment plant such as aerobe, anaerobe, oxidation ditch, DAF and so on. Though in-depth investigation and analysis of the customer demand, we can provide tailor-made wastewater treatment solution with the right technologies and facilities according to the polluters and volume of the waste water. We provide turnkey project which involves in design, construction, test and operation such as remote control and management. System offered by this company improves the quality of the treated water and recycles gray water, the recycling rate depend on the salt in the water. Furthermore, methane gas and steam produced in the wastewater treatment is recycled as energy for heating and electricity. This greatly reduced the energy consuming of the treatment and bring fast R. O. I. Please do contact us at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 if you are interested.